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Gateway Garlic



 Garlic seed

All organic Garlic seed is $14 a pound unless otherwise specified plus shipping .the shipping charge on a 2 lb box is $10. 9lbs or less is $20. 
bulk orders over 50 lbs please call for availability and pricing including shipping. Seed is also available ( easier) on facebook at Gateway Garlic Farms
Garlic is shipped UPS priority mail
bulk orders over 9-10 lbs are subject to postal rates per lb 
we ship to the entire US 
international customers can contact us at Gateway garlic farms on facebook to check on availability overseas. This is a new site so please just order the weight you want and give variety with breakdown on weight to eventually we will get all of the varieties locked and loaded here for ease .We will ensure you get the best seed and the ones you want 


   This is the Garlic seed that's                 available so far this year .You wont       find a more              comprehensible collection of organic     garlic seed available for purchase         anywhere on the planet . If its here,       its available 

H denotes hardneck

S denotes softneck

H are true seed hybrids

  1. Abby

  2. Adizanskis

  3. Aglio Blanco

  4. Aglio Rosso

  5. Ail De Pays Parne

  6. Ajorojo

  7. Amish

  8. Applegate

  9. Arguni White

  10. Armenian

  11. Asian Rose

  12. Asian Tempest

  13. Bai Pi Suan

  14. Bavarian

  15. Beekeeper

  16. Belarus

  17. Besancon

  18. Bhstro de Chinchon

  19. Blanco de Clenla

  20. Blanco de Huelma Zamora

  21. Bogatyr

  22. Blanak

  23. Brentwood.  H

  24. Brown Rose

  25. Brown Saxon

  26. Brown Tempest

  27. Brown Vesper

  28. Burgundy

  29. Bzenc

  30. California early.  S

  31. California late

  32. Caretaker

  33. Carondelet.  H

  34. Carpathian. H

  35. Celeste

  36. Chamiskuri

  37. Chesnok Red.  H

  38. Chets

  39. Chets Italian

  40. Choparsky

  41. Colibri

  42. Creole Red

  43. Cuban Purple 

  44. Darcheli

  45. Devino

  46. Dunganski

  47. Early Red Italian

  48. Easy Peel

  49. Ferganski

  50. Fino De Chinko

  51. Floha

  52. French

  53. Gadanski

  54. Georgian Crystal. H

  55. Georgian Fire

  56. German Extra Hardy

  57. German Giant

  58. German red

  59. German white

  60. Gourmet Red

  61. Guatemalan

  62. HaleStorm ( Hybrid )   H

  63. Incellium Red.  S

  64. Island Star

  65. Israeli

  66. Italian early.   S

  67. Italian late

  68. Italian Purple

  69. Jampol skij

  70. Jeromes French rose

  71. Jessie's girl ( swamp garlic ) H

  72. Khabar

  73. Killarney Red

  74. Klisurski

  75. Korean Red

  76. Labera Purple 

  77. Leah 99

  78. Leningrad

  79. Lithuanian Purple

  80. Lorz Italian

  81. Lukak

  82. Machashi

  83. Madrid

  84. Maiskil

  85. Majestic

  86. Metechi

  87. Morado Giant

  88. Moroccan

  89. Music

  90. Nootka Rose

  91. Northern White

  92. Novo.   HOquendos Fire ( Hybrid) H

  93. OsagePersian star (Uzbek Star) H

  94. Phillips

  95. Polish Hardneck

  96. Polish Jenn

  97. Polish White

  98. Purple Glazer

  99. Pskem

  100. Red Grain

  101. Red Rezan

  102. Red Toch. S

  103. Roja de Cunica

  104. Rojo de las infantas

  105. Romanian Red

  106. Rose de Lautrec

  107. Russian Red

  108. Russian Redstreak

  109. Sakura

  110. Samarkand

  111. Shatali

  112. Shevlili

  113. Siciliano  S

  114. Siberian

  115. Simoneti

  116. Singing falls

  117. Skuri

  118. Slovenian

  119. Spanish Benitee

  120. Spanish Roja

  121. Stull

  122. Susanville

  123. Takayama

  124. Thermadrone

  125. Transylvanian. S

  126. Ukranian White Inferno

  127. Valivov ( Hybrid ) H

  128. Vekak

  129. Vostani

  130. WWE Italian

  131. Yugoslavian

  132. Zemo

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Owned by Gateway garlic Farms 

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